Development Process of Pool Chlorine Floater in New Era

Pool chlorine floaters have been more advanced technological changes to meet the diverse needs of users in dealing with daily cleaning problems, and become the next choice in the pool cleaning equipment market. The traditional equipment is updated to today’s pool chlorine floater, which user pain points have been solved by the equipment upgrade, and which swimming pool cleaning trends have been implied? What direction will the future swimming pool cleaning equipment develop, and how to deal with and solve the complex needs of swimming pool cleaning? This paper mainly introduces the four changes of pool cleaning equipment technology, to see how the pool chlorine floater is becoming the best pool cleaning equipment for users step by step.

A floating chlorine dispenser

Four technological changes in traditional pool cleaning equipment

First generation: Full manual suction machine

As an early cleaning tool, manual suction cleaners lack the elements of automation, although cheap and simple, but “fast to use, dry tired.” Similar to the principle of bulky indoor manual vacuum cleaners, the manual suction device is connected to the pool skimmer through a long tube, vacuuming the bottom of the pool, and manpower is all it can move underwater. The process of suction filtration depends on the original circulation filtration system of the pool, so it is necessary to clean the skimmer in advance before cleaning, and then backwash the sand tank, which costs manpower and water, and is listed as the No.1 cleaning method that the pool owner refuses to try in person.

With the advancement of automation technology, manual cleaning has become less common in private pool courtyards. However, pool owners still need to regularly hire professional cleaning companies or personnel to keep the water quality of their pools clear and healthy. Technological iteration has freed some manpower in the process of equipment cleaning, but the technical design and more complex terminal operation are not completely deindustrialized, and the cleaning fees and electricity bills of each swimming season have become another boulder in the heart of pool owners.

Second generation: Automatic pressure side cleaner

The emergence of pressure side cleaners is widely regarded as a sign that pool cleaning has entered the automation. The subsequent development of the pool cleaner, although the application of different technical principles, but in the cleaning stage to achieve the “machine instead of manual” progress. However, only in the “cleaning phase”. Before cleaning, the operator must be familiar with the knowledge of the pool system and the operation of the product, and carry out a series of standard actions:

  • Adjust pool pipe water pressure (external supercharger required if necessary)
  • Calculate and trim equipment connected to the pool system hose
  • Adjust the spare valve and injection pipe of the equipment and test the wheel speed (RPM) of the equipment

In order to ensure that the cleaner in the bottom of the pool, pool wall and water line cleaning has a reasonable power and capture capacity.

Third generation: Automatic upgrade suction side cleaner

Suction side cleaners cut into the entire pool cleaning market in a cheaper way. Suction cleaners use a similar principle to manual cleaners, connected to the pool skimmer, using the “suction” provided by the pool filtration system to move underwater, the bottom of the cleaner due to pressure differences in the formation of eddy currents, to absorb and trap tiny debris and dust.

However, the suction side cleaner still does not really solve the problem brought by the pressure side – the cleaning process still relies on the pool filtration system itself, the cleaning link before and after cleaning is still necessary, and this way to provide power by the pool filtration system can not really let the cleaner have a stable and efficient cleaning route underwater, and the suction side cleaner can only do “random cleaning”.

Fourth generation: A pool chlorine floater that creates a new experience

The pool chlorine floater has a built-in independent filtration system to meet independent cleaning needs outside of the daily filtration cycle, so users do not have to worry about the burden on the original filtration system. Therefore, the connection pipe, booster pump, filter basket and other hidden configurations required by the previous generation of cleaners no longer exist; Users also no longer need to perform additional operations on the original pool system before they are ready to clean, just enable the pool chlorine floater itself. Independent operation, which also means that the pool chlorine floater needs an independent power supply to work. In the current mainstream mode, the pool chlorine floater is configured with an independent power box.

User pursuit

Simply using the “lower price” approach clearly cannot meet the underlying needs of pool cleaning – cleaning efficiency and “real” liberation of manpower. Fully automated pool chlorine floaters are undoubtedly the next step in the industry’s exploration. Rather than passing on the cost to the later pool system loss and electricity costs, the development of pool chlorine floaters in recent years has also proved to the market that users do not only look at the one-time purchase cost of pool cleaning equipment, but also pay more attention to the improvement of the experience value brought by the equipment. In contrast, pool chlorine floaters are self-powered or powered by floating batteries. While getting rid of the cable entanglement, the battery life of the equipment itself has become the technical focus of ensuring an efficient and complete cleaning cycle.


The popularity of pool chlorine floaters has also promoted the industry’s in-depth thinking about pool cleaning technology: How can automated cleaning solve more realistic problems? Compared with the traditional pool cleaning equipment is still difficult to avoid the early artificial wiring, care and other problems, the pool chlorine floater has been more advanced technological changes to meet the diversified needs of users in dealing with daily cleaning problems, and become the next choice for the pool cleaning equipment market.

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