What to Do When Your Pool Chlorine Floater Sinks

The pool chlorine floater plays a crucial role in maintaining clean and safe water in your swimming pool. It distributes chlorine evenly, preventing algae growth and keeping your pool water crystal clear. However, one day you might find your chlorine floater has sunk to the bottom, leaving you unsure of how to handle the situation. Don’t worry! In this article, we’ll explore why this happens and what steps you can take to fix it.

Possible Causes

A. Damage or Leaks

One of the most common reasons a pool chlorine floater sinks is damage or leaks. Over time, the floater can develop cracks or holes that allow water to seep in, making it too heavy to float. Regularly inspecting your floater for any signs of damage can help you catch this issue early.

B. Overloaded with Chlorine

Sometimes, the problem is simply that the floater is overloaded with chlorine tablets or sticks. Each floater has a weight limit, and exceeding this can cause it to sink. It’s important to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines on how many chlorine tablets your floater can handle.

Chlorine floater filled with chlorine tablets

C. Improper Closure

If your floater isn’t securely closed, water can enter and cause it to sink. Always make sure that the floater is properly sealed after adding chlorine tablets. A loose lid is a common but easily preventable cause of sinking.

D. Design Flaws

In some cases, the floater might have inherent design flaws that affect its buoyancy. Cheap or poorly designed floaters can have issues maintaining balance, causing them to sink even under normal conditions.

E. Filter Ball Issues

Sometimes, the sinking issue might be related to the filter balls in your pool’s filtration system. If the filter balls are not functioning properly, they might contribute to the imbalance and improper chlorine distribution, leading to your floater sinking. Regularly check and replace the filter balls to ensure they are in good condition.

Solutions and Preventive Measures

A. Retrieve the Floater

First, you’ll need to retrieve the floater from the bottom of the pool. Use a pool skimmer or a long pole to carefully lift it out. Avoid diving in to get it, as this can disturb the chlorine distribution in your pool.

B. Inspect for Damage

Once you have the floater out of the water, inspect it for any cracks, holes, or leaks. If you find any, you may be able to patch them up with waterproof adhesive or silicone sealant. Also, ensure that the floater is properly closed and not allowing water inside.

C. Adjust the Buoyancy

If the floater is overloaded with chlorine, remove some of the tablets to balance the weight. Only use the recommended number of tablets for your floater. If your floater has adjustable settings for buoyancy, make sure these are correctly set to keep it afloat.

chlorine floater

D. Replace if Necessary

If the floater is damaged beyond repair, it’s best to replace it. Continuing to use a compromised floater can lead to inconsistent chlorine distribution, which can affect your pool’s water quality. Invest in a good-quality floater to avoid future problems.

E. Monitor Regularly

After making adjustments or replacing your floater, keep an eye on it to ensure it stays at the surface. Regular monitoring will help you catch any issues early and maintain the proper chlorine levels in your pool.

F. Alternative Solutions

If your floater continues to sink despite your best efforts, consider using a different type of chlorine dispenser. Pool skimmer baskets and inline chlorine feeders are good alternatives that can provide consistent chlorine distribution without the risk of sinking.


A sinking pool chlorine floater can be a nuisance, but it’s a manageable issue with the right approach. By understanding the possible causes and taking appropriate measures, you can ensure your pool remains clean and safe. Regular inspection, proper maintenance, and choosing high-quality equipment are key to preventing and addressing this common problem. Don’t let a sunken floater ruin your pool experience; follow these steps and keep your pool maintenance on track. Your pool will be ready for a refreshing swim anytime you want, with clear, safe water to enjoy.

Recommended Reading:Application Experience of Pool Filter Balls in Different Types of Pools

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