Properly Dispense Chlorine Tablets with a Pool Chlorine Floater

In the intelligent equipment to improve the quality of life in the outdoor pool, the pool chlorine floater is undoubtedly the “lazy light” that liberates the time and energy of the villa pool owner. At present, private swimming pools have become the standard and symbol of villas and luxury homes. This paper mainly introduces how to use pool chlorine floater to correctly place pool chlorine tablets and how to correctly install pool chlorine floater.

Pool chlorine floater

Preparatory work

Before chlorine tablets are placed, the pool needs to be cleaned to clean impurities and dirt on the surface of the pool. Then adjust the pool water level to the appropriate height, and generally it should be kept at the normal water level.

Choose the right chlorine tablets

Before placing chlorine tablets, the appropriate chlorine tablets need to be selected. There are many kinds of chlorine tablets on the market at present, but different brands and models of chlorine tablets contain different amounts of chlorine, and the use method and dosage are also different. It is recommended to choose the appropriate chlorine tablets according to the size of the pool and the water quality.

Apply chlorine tablets correctly

1. Put the chlorine tablets into a dedicated pool chlorine floater, and then adjust the opening size of the drop device so that the chlorine tablets can slowly dissolve and release chlorine evenly.

2. Pool chlorine floaters can be fixed to the edge of the pool or float in the middle of the pool. It is recommended to place the dispenser in the middle of the pool, which will better allow the chlorine tablets to dissolve evenly in the pool water.

3. Do not swim or dive immediately after each release of chlorine tablets. It is recommended to wait at least 1 hour for the chlorine tablets to dissolve fully and react with impurities in the water.

Matters needing attention

1. Do not put chlorine tablets directly in the pool, because the concentration is too high will cause irritation to the human body, and will damage the pool equipment.

2. The number of chlorine tablets should be calculated according to the size and depth of the pool, not the more the better. If the chlorine tablet is insufficient, the disinfection effect cannot be achieved; If you put too much, it may cause skin and eye irritation.

3. In terms of the selection of the pool chlorine floater, it is recommended to choose a drop device with automatic control, which can automatically monitor the water quality and adjust it according to the actual situation.

Swimming pool chlorine floater installation points

  1. Usually fixed on the wall or shelf, 1.2-1.5m high;
  2. Because most disinfectants have a strong pungent smell, the drug should be administered in a separate room with forced ventilation;
  3. Use a special dosing head to connect with the pipeline for disassembly during drug tube maintenance;
  4. Regularly clean the suction tube filter head sunk into the barrel to prevent clogging;
  5. The dosing pump is linked with the circulating water pump to prevent the drug pump from still working when the system stops;
  6. Check the amount of liquid in the medicine barrel regularly and supplement it in time;
  7. Tap water should be connected to the top of the medicine barrel to facilitate the preparation of medicine liquid.


The above is about the introduction of chlorine tablets in the pool, while also paying attention to maintaining the cleanliness and health of the water quality of the pool, regularly changing the water, and regularly testing and cleaning.

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