Which is Better: Placing Chlorine Tablets in the Skimmer or the pool floater?

In the process of cleaning swimming pool water, skimmers and pool floater are two commonly used devices, and the way chlorine tablets are placed plays a crucial role in water quality. Some people may be confused: should they put chlorine tablets in the skimmer or in the float? This article will explore the pros and cons of both options to help you make a more informed decision to ensure your swimming pool water quality is always at its best.


Learn more about skimmers

A skimmer is a device used to clean dirt on the water surface of a swimming pool. Its function is to filter larger particles in the water to ensure the water quality of the swimming pool. Skimmers are usually equipped with a removable mesh basket to capture larger debris such as leaves, insects, twigs, etc. The mesh basket is easy to remove, clean, and maintain. The skimmer is usually connected to a pump system, which uses water to guide the dirt into the skimmer. This design ensures efficient skimmer operation. Skimmers are usually located near the side walls of the swimming pool, close to the water level. This position helps maximize the capture of impurities floating on the water surface and improves the cleaning effect.

Advantages and disadvantages of placing chlorine tablets in skimmers


  1. Centralized treatment: Placing chlorine tablets in the skimmer for centralized treatment ensures a more even release of chlorine. This method can effectively improve the utilization rate of chlorine and ensure a more stable disinfection effect in the water.
  2. Avoid float movement problems: The skimmer is fixed on the side wall of the swimming pool and is more stable than the float. This avoids the problem of the float possibly moving due to current or wind forces, ensuring that the chlorine tablets are always released in the skimmer.


  1. Slow floating rate: The floating rate of chlorine tablets placed in the skimmer is relatively slow. Because the water flow is relatively still, the chlorine does not enter the pool as quickly as it does in the float. This affects the even distribution of chlorine and works quickly.
  2. Limited skimmer space: The design of the skimmer usually focuses on intercepting large particles of debris, so its space is relatively limited. Placing chlorine tablets in a skimmer may limit the ability to handle a large number of chlorine tablets at once, especially in larger swimming pools where more skimmers may be needed.

Learn more about pool floater

A float is a device that releases chemicals in a swimming pool and regulates water quality. It floats on the water and releases the substances inside. In pool maintenance, pool floaters are often designed to hold chlorine tablets or other water treatment agents to distribute them evenly into the pool water.

The release rate of chemicals in the floating body can generally be adjusted. This means the release rate can be adjusted based on water quality needs and pool size, allowing for better control of chemical concentrations in the water. Inside the pool floater is a container that holds chlorine tablets or other water treatment agents. This container usually has a sealable design to keep water out, ensuring chemicals are only released when needed.

The pool floater is usually placed on the surface of the swimming pool and can move with the water. Its installation location is generally determined based on the current and wind direction, which ensures that a pool chlorine floater can distribute chemicals evenly in the pool. In most cases, floats float freely, but some pools may use float fixtures that lock the float in a specific area to ensure that released chemicals are more concentrated on the area that needs to be treated.

Advantages and disadvantages of placing chlorine tablets in the pool floater


  1. Dispersed drug release: Placing chlorine tablets in the float achieves the effect of dispersed drug release and evenly distributes the chemical substances in the swimming pool water. This improves the quality of the water and ensures continued sterilization in the pool.
  2. Floating structure, suitable for swimming pools of various sizes: Whether it is a small private swimming pool or a large public swimming pool, water quality control requirements can be met by adjusting the number of floats and their installation positions.


  1. Affected by wind and current: The pool chlorine floater is placed on the water and is easily affected by wind, current, and other factors. When the wind is strong or the flow velocity is high, the floating body may move, causing uneven discharge of chemicals. This creates some challenges for water quality management.
  2. More float coverage area is needed: To ensure that enough chlorine tablets cover the entire swimming pool, the number of floats may need to be increased. This can take up some water space, especially in larger pools, where more floats may be needed to maintain consistent water quality.

When choosing whether to put chlorine tablets in a skimmer or a float, you need to consider everything on a case-by-case basis. Skimmers can be used in certain operations that require more centralized operation, while floats can be used for decentralized chlorine release. Depending on your pool design, maintenance habits, and water quality control, you can make the final choice

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